Our Services

We offer a wide range of medical and advanced surgical treatments for patients. With a focus on holistic wellness and utilizing the latest advancements in medical technology, our diverse team of highly experienced medical and surgical experts are dedicated to provide you with highest standard of care.

Medical Services

ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat), Audiology, Speech Therapy, Surgical Gastroenterology & GI Oncology, Pediatrics

Our Services

  • ENT (Ear, Nose & Throat): Our ENT specialist provide expert care for all ear, nose and throat related diseases using latest diagnostic and treatment methods includingmedical and surgical management of chronically discharging ears, hearing loss, vertigo management, tinnitus, hyperacusis, sinus diseases, allergy management, laryngeal and voice disorders, diagnostic nasal and laryngeal endoscopies, hearing evaluation and Pediatric ENT care.
  • Audiology: Hearing tests like Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA), Impedence Audiometry and Oto-Acoustic Emissions (OAE); Hearing Aid Trial and Fitting along with Hearing Aid fine tuning.
  • Speech Therapy: Rehabilitation of patients with voice disorders like disarticulation, stammering, stuttering, hoarseness due vocal nodule or polyps, vocal fatigue, etc.
  • Surgical Gastroenterology & GI Oncology: Super-specialized management of diseases related to GI tract, liver, gall bladder, pancrease and all GI cancers.
  • Pediatrics:Gentle and tender care for your little ones/ children, to ensure their well-being, optimum nutrition, growth and development.
  • Wellness Programs: We promote overall health and wellness through preventive care, health screenings, hearing screening tests, awareness programs and lifestyle management.